Suffering from the affects of jet lag and allergies...waking up in middle of the night I've passed the time drinking wine and marathon episodes of Star Trek Enterprise provided courtesy of an Amazon Prime membership that after the free trial I forgot to cancel. But, I can't complain as I've enjoyed the free 2 day shipping on purchases and now I can access a huge library of movies and shows streamed directly through my PS3 in glorious HD. So, now unable to sleep and feeling the affects of multiple glasses of wine, which is not having the effect I wanted because I just want to sleep; I emerged from my loft to bring these pics that Amanda and I took over the weekend. The jacket is by Jack & Jones which I discovered in Jeans & Co., a store in Geneva, Switzerland. It wasn't until sharing drinks at a great pizzeria overlooking Lake Geneva I realized that I must have it. Amanda and I braved a torrential downpour for me to be able to transact and make this piece mine and now I share it with you.
Pics of our trip will come soon, so keep it locked...
ray ban sunglasses
zara man scarf
desigual denim
jack & jones jacket
ebay boots
h & m shirt
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